CoC Membership
The DE CoC has officially kicked off this year's membership drive!
All current and prospective members must complete the CoC Membership Form by September 30, 2024 to join, update, or renew their CoC membership for the upcoming year.
Access upcoming meeting schedules, information, and previous meeting materials on the CoC Events page.
CoC Committees
CoC committees meet throughout the year to plan and implement action items related to CoC priorities. Each committee targets a specific need, service area, sub-population, or critical CoC function.
Access CoC Committee meeting schedules, zoom links, and materials via the CoC Events Page.
CoC Priorities
The CoC Priorities were developed to help guide and inform CoC initiatives and funding work for 2023.
The CoC will prioritize increasing the local affordable housing supply by:
Prioritizing projects for CoC funding that create new/additional permanent housing units for people experiencing homelessness
Working with PHAs to increase access to PHA vouchers/subsidies for people experiencing homelessness and to develop move-on strategies to increase the number of PSH units available for the most vulnerable people experiencing homelessness
Advocating for increased affordable housing funding, and
Engaging local leaders around zoning and land use reform to increase the affordable housing supply
View the full document here.
Delaware's Action Plan to End Homelessness
Ending homelessness means that we have a responsive and accessible system of supports that:
Prevents homelessness
whenever possible
appropriate crisis shelter
to all people & families in need
Quickly helps people move back into housing
in the community
housing stability supports
so that no one returns to homelessness
When we end homelessness in Delaware, homelessness will be rare, brief, and non-recurring. We believe that this can be achieved by engaging each person with a strength-based approach that builds on their resilience, reduces their risks, and improves their lives from the safety and dignity of their own homes.
View the full document here.